A thermal phosphate Nd: glass slab laser has demonstrated the capability of producing high repetition rate high brightness beam which is relatively free from thermally induced optical distortion and should be a strong competitor to the Nd: YAG slab laser in the applications. 热补偿掺钕磷酸盐玻璃板条激光器能产生高重复率、高亮度的光束。相对来说,没有热致光学畸变,而且在某些应用领域将成为Nd∶YAG板条激光器的强劲对手。
After analyzing the distribution characteristics of brightness, hue and saturation of ball images, it was found that the image color distortion was only related to brightness, but hue and saturation of images. 通过对球体彩色图像的亮度、色调和饱和度的分布特征的分析发现,球体图像颜色失真主要跟颜色的亮度分量有关,而与色调和饱和度分量关系不大。
The distribution rule of the chrominance and the cross correlation of texture after and before shadow appears are analyzed, different shadow suppression mechanism is selected according to brightness and saturation information, and chrominance distortion and texture feature are used to eliminate shadow. 4. 该方法分析了场景点在存在阴影前后色度的分布规律以及纹理的互相关性,根据亮度信息和饱和度信息选择不同的阴影消除机制,利用颜色向量夹角和纹理特征进行阴影的消除。
It not only improves the image brightness, but also reduces the color distortion. ( 4) Based on the improvement of the proposed method, multiple grayscale images and color images are simulated. 不仅提高了图像的亮度,而且能减少颜色失真。(4)基于本文提出的改进方法,对多组灰度图像和彩色图像进行了仿真实验。